Thursday, April 03, 2008

Google does it again!

One of the reasons I love Google so much is coz of their concept to mix fun and work so beautifully. Being in the Software Industry and an inquisitive and informed individual, I have heard of lot many companies who claim that they have a fun place to work. But one thing I doubt is how do they define Fun?
Take the case of Goolge, it always tries to beat the rest with its silly pranks and funny ideas.

This Year on April fool's day, Google had a prank on almost all of its products :) I dint noted all of them that day as I dint accessed much of the internet that day. One thing I saw was Virgile. This particular thing was done so beautifully with blogs/videos by top executives. Sir Richard Branson had a blog on Google Blog about the new venture with Google and then Sergei Brin had a video about the venture with Virgin. Hereis the logo of the venture they floated :)

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