Sunday, September 09, 2007

Love - A lifelong journey, A lifelong pain

This may not be true for everyone and I pray from the depth of my heart that no one should feel as I feel!
It ended as a nightmare for me. I could not forget her and all the things said and done. However, it was so easy for her. Day in and day out, I see the past and I see the future and of course the present. I see myself in the past but cant see myslef anywhere near her in present and future. Reason being, she is someone else's now! I dont why cant I forget all this? Why cant I walk off as easily as she did? I know the answers but I dont want to take them as answers beacuse I am afraid of even forgetting the questions!

I loved you dear and I still love you that much. Probably more than that and I know I will keep loving you forever!

God bless you both!


bEAST said...

A woman never forgets her first love, and a man can never forget his last. I don't if I should think of ourselves as lucky kae we shall forget our last love as soon as something new comes along. However I can gurantee you that she is never going to be able to forget you that easily. Maybe it is wise to move on in life, for there must be definitely something better along the way. Love was beautiful, and she made it all the more pure, but then all good things in life have to come to an end. Maybe it is time that you stopped cherishing the pain! You need to overcome the fear of letting it go and turning your heart into a stone. Trust me, you are far too genuine and purefor that to happen!

@nkur said...

Dude, i guess our names are jinxed! We seem to have tough luck in this business!

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